Welcome to our new website


Please click below to see what your child is learning this Autumn Term 2022:
Our curriculum follows the 2014 National Curriculum. You can read the complete curriculum on the DFE website.
Our Curriculum Policy is on the school policies page.
Religious Education is taught through a number of topics linked to the liturgical year and including study of other faiths. Planning for this subject comes from the Come and See scheme. This grid below shows how the topics/themes run through the year and across classes.
We use the Maths No Problem scheme of work but are switching to Power Maths (as part of a Trust-wide change). Both these schemes have been developed using the principles of how maths is so successfully taught in Singapore.  The Purbeck Maths Calculation Strategy (updated September 2015) below shows examples of the progression in calculation methods.
The school uses Read Write Inc to teach phonics to the younger children in the school. A parents’ guide to Read Write Inc can be found here.

If you would like more information about the curriculum at St Mary’s, please make an appointment with your class teacher or with a member of the Senior Leadership team via the school office.