Welcome to our new website

Safeguarding and E-Safety

Safeguarding children is central to all we do at St Mary’s.

All staff are responsible for safeguarding but those with specific roles are:
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Alan Frame
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Becky Meateau & Michelle Nash
  • Nominated Governor with responsibility for safeguarding: Lexia Tough
Our school’s Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy can be found on the school policies page.
Our Anti-Bullying Champion is Michelle Nash. For useful information and advice please see Kidscape and the Anti-Bullying Alliance

Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2023 – statutory guidance for schools)

Additional guidance: Prevent Duty Guidance; What to Do if You’re Worried a Child is Being Abused
A Parents’ Guide to Being Share Aware. More excellent advice from the NSPCC.

Our E Safety Champions are Mr Frame & Mrs Nash

Please see the following about live streaming and this post about the use of Snapchat map.
CEOP Update: Live Streaming
Live streaming is increasingly becoming one of the most popular online activities for children and young people. Apps such as Musical.ly, Live.me, Periscope and YouNow are all soaring in popularity, which has seen other well established apps such as Facebook adding live streaming functions.

For resources to help you keep your children safe when they are online, and especially if they or their friends are live streaming, visit the CEOP website

Snapchat Map Location Warning
We are aware that some of our children may use the Snapchat app on their phones. If you know that your child is using Snapchat, please be sure to read and share this information with them:


You can also read how to switch this feature of Snapchat to ghost mode (where the user’s location is not shared).

You should also be aware that the lower age restriction for using Snapchat is 13, and may wish to discuss this with your children. NSPCC netware Snapchat page: https://www.net-aware.org.uk/networks/snapchat/

Many parents and carers seek advice on how they can help their children to ‘Stay Safe’ online outside of school. These links provide help and support for parents and carers:
Advice for parents about the risks and opportunities within online media: Common Sense Media | Ask About Games

Many excellent leaflets and resources are available from childnet.

Thinkuknow – this is the Child Exploitation and Online Protection site and it is full of advice for parents as well as games and activities for children from 5 upwards.

Thinkuknow’s youTube channel has a range of excellent films offering advice and ideas.

You can find our school E-Safety Policy on the school policies page.
Parents Guide to Apps and Social Media
There are age ratings on many Apps and as well as games
Image preview

We are aware that there are pupil group chats in years 5 and 6 and urge you to regularly check your child's phone, add parental settings and limit screen time. Current research from the Sleep Foundation states that exposure to blue light in the hours leading up to bedtime can hinder sleep. Blue light suppresses the body's release of melatonin, a hormone that makes us feel drowsy. 

Blue Light should be avoided for two to three hours prior to sleep time.